Monday, August 17, 2009

A New Season and Unfinished Business

As I help my daughter prepare to begin her first year of college, I can't help but to think back on my unfinished dreams. Two things I've wanted to do my whole life (seriously, for as far back as I can remember!) is to complete a college education, and to write a book (preferably a best seller). To date I have completed neither. Why is it that some people get stuck in the thought that making themselves important enough to complete something they love or dream of is selfish? I always say, 'one day I WILL complete my college education', and 'one day I WILL write a book'. Most do believe I will complete my college and earn my bachelors degree, but those who are closest to me no longer believe I will write my book. However, I believe as I move into this new season of my life, with one child beginning college and one beginning high school, and the house still and quiet much of the time, I will allow the stories to unfold as I transcribe every word and thought. All that we are called to do does not need to be done before the age of 40! Nay, much of what we are led to do requires a certain amount of life experience. Lest we not forget that our age should not dictate our actions, but rather our actions dictate our age! Keep your dreams burning in the back of your mind. Don't let them go. When the timing is right, your spark will burn up to a full flame and you'll see it come to fruition.

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